World Cat Congress
Annual Meeting

No Actual Meeting

e-mail exchange only

Virtual Meeting

It was not possible to hold a meeting in 2003 but as certain matters had to be dealt with in accordance with the Charter and Constitution, decisions were made by e-mail ballot. These decisions included:

  • Mrs. Alva Uddin who had been President of the Congress since its inception, had retired as President of FIFe in 2001 and was, consequently, no longer eligible to be the President of WCC.
  • In recognition of her initiative in creating the WCC, the Delegates decided to appoint Mrs. Uddin as its Honorary President.
  • Mr. John Blythe (ACF Inc.) was unanimously elected as President for a period of two years.
  • Mrs. Penelope Bydlinski (FIFe) was unanimously elected as Secretary/Treasurer for a period of two years.
  • The Constitution was amended to allow for the posts of Secretary and Treasurer to be appointed at the discretion of the Delegates.
  • It was agreed to waive the fees for 2003.
  • The Delegates were happy to accept the invitation of NZCF to host the WCC in New Zealand in 2005.

Penelope Bydlinski
December 2003