World Cat Congress Statements
- KThe World Cat Congress, an organisation consisting of the nine (9) largest feline registries in the world, promotes the health and welfare of all cats and the responsible breeding and ownership of them.
- KThe World Cat Congress strongly condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
- KThe World Cat Congress does not support the new development of breeds based on mutations or characteristics that have a negative effect on the welfare of the cat.
- KThe World Cat Congress does not promote nor approve of the presence of wild feline species in connection with a cat show.
Royal Canin Encyclopedia

The World Cat Congress has collaborated with Royal Canin to produce a new Cat Encyclopaedia launched at the Royal Canin “International Cat Breeders Convention” in La Grande Motte, France in June 2017.
WCC Annual Meeting 2026 – Liverpool, United Kingdon
23 April 2026 – 27 April 2026
Hosted by the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF).
Further updates will be provided as received.
WCC Annual Meeting 2025 – Hong Kong
30 July 2025 – 3 August 2025
Hosted by The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) in conjunction with a very large Cat Expo at the Hong Kong Convention Centre 31 July-1 August, show 2-3 August 2025.
Further updates will be provided as received.
WCC Annual Meeting 2024
The 2024 meeting of the World Cat Congress was held in Bangkok, Thailand 20th - 25th March.
The meeting was hosted by ARC, the WCF Thai Organisation in conjunction with the WCF World Show.
The minutes of the 2024 Annual Meeting have been published and may be viewed online or downloaded for viewing off-line.

Highlights of the WCC Annual Meeting 2024
The World Cat Congress does not support the new development of breeds
based on mutations or characteristics that have a negative effect on the welfare of the cat
Welcome to the World Cat Congress
The World Cat Congress was established to promote better understanding and co-operation among the world's major cat associations in matters of mutual interest and concern such as cat legislation and feline welfare which affects all cat lovers, from the pedigree breeder to the pet owner.
Here you will find the following:
- UAn introduction to the World Cat Congress
- UOur purpose and aim
- UDetails of the Member Organisations
- UDetails of the Governing Body and its officers
- UThe World Cat Congress Constitution
- UReports on annual World Cat Congress meetings
- UItems of general interest
- UMinutes of World Cat Congress Meetings
- ULinks to member organisations and general interest sites
We hope you will find the site interesting and informative, if you have any comments, please address these to our secretary.
The World Cat Congress does not promote nor approve
the presence of wild feline species in connection with a cat showWorld Cat Congress Members
The membership of the World Cat Congress is comprised of the world's major cat fancies.
World Cat Congress Officers
The Officers of the WCC shall be elected from among the delegates of the member organisations or shall be subject to appointment of suitably qualified persons by the delegates.

Eric Reijers
WCC PresidentEric Reijers was re-elected in 2023 as President for a two-year period. Mr Reijers has been President since 2011 and also served previously as Vice-President of the WCC. He is the General Secretary of FIFe and an all breed FIFe judge. Mr Reijers, who comes from the Netherlands, now lives in the Czech Republic and breeds Cornish Rex under the prefix of NL*Pendragon.

Jan van Rooyen
WCC Vice-PresidentJan van Rooyen was re-elected in 2024 as Vice President for a two-year period. Jan is currently the Treasurer of the Southern African Cat Council (SACC) and a Judges Council Delegate. He is also a former President of SACC, having held that post from 2009 – 2012. Jan started his judging course in 1995 and became an all-breeds judge in 2001. His involvement in the cat fancy started in 1989 when he started breeding and showing Burmese, which he continues today under the cattery name Zion.

Robbie Walker
WCC SecretaryRobbie Walker was re-appointed in 2024 for a two-year period. Robbie is currently the Secretary of the Australian Cat Federation (ACF) and has been involved with the organisation since 1997. He holds various positions within the cat fancy.
Penny Bydlinski
WCC TreasurerPenny Bydlinski was re-appointed in 2024 for a two-year period. Mrs. Bydlinski is also an international judge of the FIFe and has been the unofficial secretary of WCC since 1995. With the acceptance of the Charter in 1999, she was formally appointed as Secretary/Treasurer.
World Cat Congress
Annual Meeting 2025The 2025 meeting of the World Cat Congress will be held in Hong Kong 30th July - 3rd August
The meeting will be hosted by CFA
- U31 July - Seminar. WCC Open Meeting
- U1 August - WCC Business Meeting
- U2 and 3 August – CFA Cat Show
For further information, please contact the WCC Secretary.