Australian Cat Federation Inc
Australia’s show schedule is once again in full swing after the usual December – February hiatus. Our harsh summers and the breeding season combine to make that period one of rest for the cat fancy. But our rest is over and the show season in full cry!
One is often asked which breeds are most numerous in Australia. Breed popularity in general tends to wax and wane (I recall starting my day at a 1980’s show in South Australia with 76 Russians) but it is also very regional. These days to see Russians in bulk, go to Western Australia. If you want Norwegians, then Tasmania is your destination. Newer breeds are making their mark: Siberians were accepted in 2003 and their advent was relatively slow, but now they have become almost universally more numerous. American Shorthair are off to a roaring start in several states.
Back to ACF itself: sadly, the National weekend in Perth in June 2015 was the last many of us were to see of stalwart John Evans, former ACF Secretary Nell Evans’ husband and helpmate (and for one term, a member of the ACF Executive), whom so many of us regarded with such affection. His death in November was pretty much inevitable, but still came as a shock. Since 1998, John had been a fixture at National weekends, always at the ready to help the local crew with set up or any odd jobs that might relieve the burden on show management. This year’s National weekend just won’t be the same without him.
It was entirely fitting that in November 2015, CCCA finally voted to recognise the judges of ACF’s NSW member body Cats NSW, all but one of whom had originally been CCCA trained. In fact, the last year has seen an unprecedented number of established judges transferring to ACF as individuals (rather than en bloc, as when GCCFV, FCCQ and COAWA joined as member bodies) as well as a smattering of new, ACF-trained judges joining the panel. We also have a former ANCATS AB judge (who was originally CCCA panel) undergoing an assessment/mentoring programme with Cats NSW. So, it’s been a year of expansion.
In only a few weeks, it’s ACF National weekend again, with all that entails – reunions, meetings, the show and seminar. This year it is hosted near Brisbane (Queensland) where QFA, one of our member bodies in that state, is organiser. A team of ACF judges will officiate, together with visitors from TICA, NZCF and CFA and as ever, exhibitors will travel from all corners of the continent to compete. Our major sponsors this year are Royal Canin and Ozpet.
Lesley Morgan
International Liaison Officer,
Australian Cat Federation Inc
World Cat Federation
Growth of WCF
WCF has established new clubs in Australia, Thailand, Slovakia, Romania, Uzbekistan and clubs from Singapore, Moldova and Iceland have sent membership requests. WCF is continuously growing. The WCF cat shows attract many breeders and the pedigree work in the registries is appreciated. Our growth shows, that it needs good ideas and a permanent high level of service to catch breeders interest. We are happy that China WCF is growing rapidly and sets high level standards for cat shows and cat breeds, most popular as in many Asian countries are the British Shorthair and Scottish Fold breeds. More than 400 breeders already joined into China Love Cat Club.
Since last year WCF launches the so called “Breeder of Excellence” seminar.
WCF-Seminar „Breeder of Excellence“
The official WCF Seminars Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 for the certification "Breeder of Excellence" can be claimed by any WCF clubs.
The following topics are treated in the 3 parts of the seminar complex "Breeder of Excellence."
- Part 1, min. 9 hours:
- a. Development of the domestication of the cat in the historical overview
- b. Breed Studies from its beginnings to the present WCF standard1
- c. Different character traits of the races in the WCF
- d. Basic needs of the cat, place and space
- e. Feeding the cat from kitten to senior
- f. Vaccinations, international travel rules
- g. Health care prevention
- h. Diseases, their detection
- i. WCF Cat Olimpia-an overview
- j. Introduction to Competition Best Cat of WCF
- k. Color genetics Part 1, color names, Introduction to theEMS code (WCF)
- l. Responsible behavior as a breeder in the WCF "Code of Ethics", Breeding Rules
- Part 2, min. 8 hours
- a. Heredity
- b. Color genetics Part 2, practising the EMS code (WCF)
- c. Inbreeding, outcrossing, breeding techniques
- d. Selection of breeding stock
- e. Pregnancy, gestation, nutrition of pregnant
- f. Birth of the kittens, preparation
- g. Problems before, during and after birth to detect and eliminate
- h. Development of kittens, special needs at different life stages
- i. The hologram sticker project
- j. The European law for the protection of animals, the influence it has on the breeding of pedigree cats in the WCF
- Part 3, min. 8 hours
- a. Breed standards of the WCF
- b. How is a standard developed?
- c. How is the standard to be defined? Practical work on the example of some cats.
- d. New breeds in the WCF, breeds in the recognition process.
- e. Show rules
- f. Traditional judging, Ring judgement
- g. Rules for breeders, judges and student judges, stewards
- h. The New Education System of the WCF
- i. The behavior of breeders, judges, student-judges and stewards inside and outside exhibitions.
- j. Loyalty - what is it?
- k. Positions and personnel in the WCF. The current situation of the WCF
- l. Ideas for the future of the WCF
In each of the seminar part for participating student judge candidates a pre-test is offered for to be held under the rules of the WCF. In addition participating student-judges and student-judge-candidates (stewards) can apply for a short language test which will be taken by one of the judges holding the seminar. A language certificate will be issued. Student judges will receive 2 certificates per seminar. Stewards will receive 2 certificates per seminar.